Just an update, again....
Bridgette is FINALLY on a sleeping schedule!!!!YAY!!!
My visiting teacher came over a few weeks ago & was giving me some advice on getting her to sleep in her crib, saying just to let her cry for as long as it takes (which I wasn't a fan of initially.) So that night I decided to go for it. Nine o'clock rolled around and she was rubbing her eyes & getting all cuddly, so I put her in her crib.
She cried for 40 minutes : (
It seriously broke my heart, but once she fell asleep she didn't wake up until five in the morning, she ate & slept until 9 am!!! When the morning came we were both so excited to see each other- she was sooo happy, and so was I (Dan can attest to that.) It was a snowball effect, she just put herself on a schedule, 11 am nap for 1-2 hours, 4 pm nap for 1-2 hours and bedtime @ 9. I just had to go through one night of crying!
Thanks for all your tips! I'm still going to read the book my cousin Samantha suggested b/c it sounds like a good mix of cry it out & family bed methods.
Regarding my sugar free month; well, I lost the weight I was hoping to lose, but I only lasted 3 weeks (and that's not counting my once a week cheat day.) I'm trying to eat less sugar now, although I'm not on a "sugar free" diet. One thing that helped was chewing extra watermelon gum, a tip I got from watching the Biggest Loser (yeah, Trainer Bob sold me.)
For all you ladies out there, I'm running "Race for the Cure" with Joanie in May & the Diabetes Race in May... You should join me!!! It's only 5K-- c'mon, you can do it!
Dan & I are running a 1/2 marathon this year, I'm aiming for the Park City 1/2 Marathon in September, so I'm trying to get myself ready by running these smaller races. I figure it's a good goal for my big 3-0 this year.
Well, that's about it!!! Until next time ~J