Here is a summary of the past year:
- Emergency trips to after hours pediatric instacare- 1
- Times I've walked into a public area with my shirt tucked in to my nursing bra - 2
- Nightly checks on Bridgy before I go to bed- approx 5
- Brands of baby lotion I've tried in an attempt to get the perfect smelling, yet most "green" product- 6 or 7 (if you need lotion, I have some.)
- Times I've left Bridgy with a "sitter" (Joan)- 6 or maybe 7. Joan probably knows. She slept over night and other occasions for a couple hours at a time. And yes, I still looked in her room even when she spent the night at Joan's
- Times I took off in the car and mid-ride realized I hadn't properly buckled Bridgy into her carseat- 2
- Pairs of shoes I've given away because I realize I can't walk and hold a baby while wearing 4 inch heels- Quite a few, I'm still lamenting my loss.
Anyway, you get the point. Priorities have shifted, life's changed and I'm no longer the care-free, twenty-something lass I once was (Yes, I had a big birthday recently.)
Life is still great though. It's fun seeing Bridgette develop her own little personality. She's a doll- very silly and a social butterfly. She absolutely loves going to family functions and outings. She says "hello" (in her own way) to every other baby in the grocery store. Her most favorite "toys" are her books, which she loves to "read" out loud to us. I love watching her & Dan play together. They crack each other up, and it's even cuter because they look so much a like! In short, she's the perfect addition to our family & I can't believe it's been a year!
Another reason for the post--I recently figured out how to transfer photos from my camera to iphoto (I don't have a fancy iphone like 95% of you out there) and so many memories flooded my mind! I'm just going to post some of my frrrravorite photos taken since we became a family of 3.

With her twinner- Daddy. And of course, her favorite snack, the yogurt bite

Oooh la-la. Posing for the soldiers.


Played herself to sleep.

She was so fat that I couldn't button the top button of her dress, so her neck could have breathing room!

I really, really miss this. I cried a little when I saw this. So, so sweet.

With her buddy Kristen, taking a snoozer after lunch. She kept on passing gas on Kristen's lap.