I can't believe it's been a whole year! Life is a lot crazier with two little chillren, but it's pretty awesome too...
It's so amazing how two babies from the same parents can be so different! They both have wonderful yet distinct personalities. I think with every one's first baby we tend to get caught up with comparisons; who walks or talks first, who is more even tempered, who is cuter... When the second baby comes, that all goes out the window! For me it is constantly a reminder that we all are born with these amazing personalities, gifts & challenges and they're all going to be different than someone else.
Let me just make some of those comparisons for you:
Was a difficult sleeper until about 5 months, then slept like a charm
Would eat anything I put in her face
Loved to Snuggle
Got her first 4 teeth by 7 months
hated diaper changes
screamed in the car seat/ stroller/ anytime we were shopping
met her "lovey" (Fred/ Dede if you haven't met him) and hasn't let go of him since
loves accessories of any kind, specifically hair accessories
was a chatterbox
Slept well as an infant. But now he may take a catnap, but basically is a night owl
He tastes most things, but actually eats very little
He is in to everything, there is too much to do & see to snuggle!
His teeth just barely sprouted (and is now a biter : ( )
As long as he has some snacks or a ball to hold he'll chill in the car/ stroller for hours
Hates having a "stinky" & will come and get me if he's poopy (hopefully that means he'll be easy to potty train)
He isn't so much into most toys but LOVES balls, he says "ball" more than "mama"
Hates accessories and long sleeved clothes (hmmm, did he inherit this from his Dad?)
He's too busy inspecting things to chat, he loves to tinker with things & see how they work.
These two are so different, but they're so sweet, friendly and so darn cute (I'm partial)! I'm so happy and blessed to have the opportunity to be a mother, specifically to these sweethearts.
Well, back to Jack's 1st birthday...
Jack has brought so much happiness and fun to our lives. He is such an easy-going, happy little guy.
I felt a little bad that we couldn't have all his cousins & family to celebrate like we were able to with Bridgy, but Texas is quite a drive for them. We just moved into a house, it was full of craziness and boxes, so basically we had a little "staycation" and spent time together as a family on his birthday. It was really low-key, but hey, he's only 1, so he wasn't complaining.
For his big 0-1 he got a little sit on turtle that bounces & rocks and plays songs when you bounce. Bridgette got him a big bead maze and a little wooden tiger on wheels. Needless to say he was most excited about the wrapping paper.
The day after his big day he was brought back down to Earth by the dreaded well-baby visit. He didn't grow much from his 9 month visit, so hopefully a growth spurt is in our near future. He's about 29 inches tall, but a sturdy 25lbs. Basically, if he were an adult, he'd resemble Danny DeVito. The visit was topped off by a round of shots, luckily the 10-ply fat rolls on his legs cushioned the blow & he was back to his happy self in literally 30 seconds.
Hmmm, what else can I say about this little guy (that many of you haven't spent much/ any time with)...
He LOVES Bridgette, much to her dismay. He follows where ever she goes & does whatever she does. She's starting to warm up to him too.
He likes to slap my face when he nurses ( TMI?)
Up until recently he would only take naps in a rock-n-play sleeper, "Recently" because he climbed out of it the other day & now I won't let him sleep in it at all.
He loves tools, for the past week if there wasn't a ball in hand, it was a mini wrench.
He's just starting to throw fits & sounds like a pterodactyl, or what I'd imagine one to sound like.
He loves other babies and gets excited to have them around.
Well, I could go on and on, but I'll just get to the photos.
Happy #1 Jack Jack, we LOVE you!
Just dove right in, this wasn't his first rodeo |
Cupcake faces, nothing that a whole bar of soap, 30 min soak and some peroxide can't take care of |
Sharing |
This pink frosting was really gross, but Bridgette liked the main ingredient (sugar) | |
'Later Birthday Boy |