I'm so sad that I forgot my camera on the first day of the '08 Bradford reunion!!! But I was able to catch some pretty awesome stuff on the last day... You hafta check out the Gpa Rap-just the fact that my grandpa turned his hat sideways is funny enough- He's such a cute little man!
I'm usually hesitant to attend family events like this- no offense to any family, I just get anxiety and it's not super comfortable for me, but this reunion was nice. I was able to catch up with some long lost cousins and see my out of town siblings. It was good to see Nate Dawg & Nadj and their cutie pie kiddos. Annie was also down, I love hanging out with my sisters and it seems like I never get to see Anne & her girls...who are so big & grown up!
I'm sure lots of people are having reunions -- 'tis the season!
I can't wait to see all of your pictures!
What? no pictures of me? (teehee)
Sad I missed you on Friday - we are still wanting to go play golf w/ you so no backing out!!!
You need to start putting the names of all the kids under the pictures. I'm always trying to figure out who belongs to who and it's been so long I have no idea!
Um,what's up with the coded comments???? You're silly
Hey, we have a new URL - now you know where to find us!!!
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