This is obviously not my pumpkin.

Dan the Man
Happy October!!! (sorry about the webdings before. Stupid Mac)
I've had a few people to tell me to update our blog. I know...I'm a blog slacker, but I must admit, we have no kids,we have a lizard for a pet, and we live in Eagle Mountain. How much do we have to say about all that? There are only so many embarrassing pictures I can dig up of Dan. Sorry if you only want to communicate with me via blog--unless you want pictures of Izzy the Lizzy in various poses, there's really not that much to say or show.
This is my favorite time of year! It's finally cooled off, we actually had our first snow Saturday night. I'm so excited for Halloween!! I don't know why, I'm not dressing up or doing anything out of the ordinary... just passing out candy. Maybe I'll take lots of pictures of neighborhood kids and post them on here--just to give people who check my posts something different to look at (you know, pics other than me,dan, or izzzz.)
Well, it's not Halloween time until you've carved a pumpkin. Tonight was the night--Dan & I had our annual pumpkin carve-off. It was intense. I started with a bang, etching and scraping, but lost momentum about an hour into it. Dan, as always, was slow and steady and, of course, had a eerie and artistic finished product....OK, we just used those stencils you buy for $1. I still managed to jack mine up. I've posted the finished product for all of you to admire. I probably won't post until...well, who knows, I don't want to make any promises.
Happy Fall!!!
I don't know what it is but your writing is in some weird language using symbols. Is that on purpose to creep us out for Halloween??
Anyway ya'll pumpkins look great!
Yeah, what's with the webdings? Love the pumpkins. Isn't Halloween the best?
Very impressive carving!
We are doing pumpkins this weekend. bonnie dont tell me shane wont let you carve pumpkins ether? We are going to close off the kitchen and let devri help take all the goop out. Beleave me they wont be as good as yours though.
Wow! Impressive Dan - I didn't know you were such an art - teest!
Happy Fall back! It looks like you guys are having tons of fun! We miss you!!!
Those look amazing and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I am pretty sure Steven is jealous because I don't get into Halloween much. He wants to go to a Haunted house but I think I would get too scared so he is looking for someone else to go with. LOL!!
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