Every time I see a friend or family member, it's not "hey, how's it going" or "wow, it's been awhile." It's " YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR BLOG."
To be honest, there are only so many pictures I can post of Dan and myself before people start to think we're really narcissistic. So, I'll just do a quick rundown of stuff going on since Dec. 3rd, our last post.
1. We went to Colorado for Christmas, It was fun to hang out with the Williamson clan.
2. I decided I hate flying anywhere during the holidays.
3. Dan started finishing our basement, we decided the fireplace looked lonely down there.
4. The stock market tanked even more, so work has been super duper busy.
5. Construction on all roads leading out to Eagle Mtn. has commenced (YUK)
6. The Wal-Mart by our house is almost done (YAY)
7. Dan has to go to AZ to work for the summer : ( : ( That means I'm really sad. I've been clinging to him, he practically has to get a baby Bjorn for some help b/c I've been so clingy.
8. I've gotten 2 more nephews-- one just a few hours ago, as a matter of fact.
9. Dan let me turn our spare bedroom into a Nell Closet...so if we ever have house guests, they get to sleep in my closet. Lucky them!
10. A picture says a thousand words, or just two, but that's why I posted it, just in case you haven't read Joan's or Bonnie's blog or facebook, or our family website.

So there ya go. Now when you see me, greet me properly!
Congratulations! Keep us posted.
Bout time!!
congrats on coming out...
Congrats! How exciting for you guys, that will so fun to get the summer off from the hubby, no just kiddin. And I cant believe you have a whole room for a closet, I don't even come close to filling up my half of our bedroom closet.
I cant wait to see your pregnant belly!! I bet you are the cutset little preggo lady!!
Awww Nell I miss you! I about died when I read you were pregers on Joan's blog! Congrats to you both. We really need to catch up! Love ya!
whoot woo! check you out hot mama!!! it's about time. ;)
I'm so glad you finally made it official so we could all congratulate you...so, congratulations! (You look fantastic by the way.)
It is nice to hear what you guys are doing. We're so excited that you guys are adding to your family. We loved to read blogs about our family. Brian and Leilani are in Florida for the summer. He is installing security systems. Keep us updated.
Aunt Monica
Hey Nell, it's time to update again ;)
now that life is slowing down you can blog more...right?
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