Today is my first official Mother's Day. In the past I've tried to weasel my way into a Mother's Day gift, but Dan wasn't fooled. This year (after me reminding him for a week) he finally gave in & took me out to dinner for the celebration. I guess actually having a child helps my cause!
Being a mother is something no amount of babysitting could have prepared me for. There are sleepless nights and hormonal dips. The inconvenient blowouts are a common occurrence (one happened in the parking lot of the restaurant while going to my Mother's Day dinner!) as well as consoling tears in the parking lot of Wal-Mart, Smith's, the mall, etc... Oh, and there's the baby weight that didn't magically melt off like I'd hoped.
It's more than worth it!
When Bridgy was new born my mom gave me some good advice. She said to treasure the late night feedings and cuddling, because all too soon she will be going a mile a minute. I've tried to take this to heart and every time I pick her up, no matter the hour, I treasure the moment (I know, how cheeeeesey). She's growing so fast and she's so silly & fun. I'm so blessed to get to be her mommy!
I also can't believe how much she's like her daddy! Besides the fact that they're practically twins, she has so much of his personality! She's very determined and she makes the same silly faces that he pulls! They're a cute pair!
The days go by so fast and I know she'll be 18 before I know it! I know the baby weight will melt off with some sweat & that I'll be more prepared for the next baby, whenever that may be. I'm just enjoying getting to know this beautiful little lady who calls me Mamamamamama.
that picture makes me laugh :) She's such a cute little lady!!!
She is So Cute!!!! I cant believe how big she is getting. glad you had a good first mothers day.
I LOVE her chubby rolls! She does look so much like Dan - I don't mean the rolls part :) I'm glad you are enjoying her so much!
Miss you guys! We'll have to get together soon. We want to do some camping before I'm just too uncomfortable to do it...then Kaia and CHris will just go without me. Seeing as how i only have 6 weeks left, I have a feeling we'll only get one or two trips in...anyhow...prepare cus we are ALL going to go. Talk to you soon.
Love ya
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