I've been very preoccupied lately, but I'll hurry & post some recent photos.
Our newest addition was born May 5th. I woke up that day, excited to start making Cafe Rio Pork to celebrate the "holiday". Then I realized I was very wet... Bridgette was like, "Mom! You're wetting your pants!" After 10 minutes of non-stop leakage I called the Dr, and it was time to go!
I was so not prepared! I called a friend in the ward to come get Bridgette & called Dan at work to come pick me up.
Labor was pretty short. We checked in around 10, got the epidural around 12 and he was born at 4pm.
Like Bridgette, Jack had a hard time breathing and was taken from me almost immediately, but after getting a bit of formula his blood sugar leveled & he was fine.
The hospital stay & recovery was a million times better than with Bridgette. The nurses were patient & super sweet. The food was a-may-zing. They gave us steak and lobster the last night in the hospital. Soooo good.
My first night home with 2 kids was rough. Dan had to go into work & I was alone & in pain. Bridgette was not liking the baby & was giving me a hard time. I seriously wanted to crawl into a hole & sleep for a year.
Thankfully, the next day my mom flew in & took over. I seriously don't know what I would've done without her. Bridgette had a really hard time adjusting and my mom was so good helping her adjust.
I've just been getting used to being a mom of two. To those of you who make it look effortless and fun; I hate you.
Poor Bridgette is being raised by Veggie Tales & Elmo. At least I make sure she gets some veggies by making our daily green smoothie (with coconut milk, Jack is also dairy sensitive.)
I'm barely feeling normal now. I know it's been 6 weeks, but this has been quite the adjustment. But it's fun & good.
Jack is awesome. He's a pretty decent sleeper, but still likes to eat every 2 hours. He looks so much like my brothers. He is pretty mellow, but hates his carseat. He's quite chunky now, almost out of the 0-3 month baby clothes already! I love snuggling him! He loves cuddling and is starting to smile at me & pull my hair.
Bridgette is now getting used to brother. She likes to push him in his swing & sings "I am a Child of God" and shares her "Dede" with him when he cries. She will occasionally ask to "hold" him which is really a quick hug. I think when he's bigger & more interactive she'll be really into the sister thing.
Dan has also been super-dad, helping take care of Bridgette when he's at home (taking her to the park, bathing, reading...) but he's been working 18 hour days. It's pretty crazy. We're excited for the Fall, when he can be home more.
Well, I'd better go! I hope my next post makes a bit more sense!
that photo of them both crying is awesome! I love it!!! and... love the photo of bridgy looking out the window.. and the globe one. You are a great photographer!
hey you have a blog....love the pics! My blog is bradshaws4.blogspot.com.
Such a cute boy!! & Bridget is getting so big. i cant wait for more picts.
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