Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's Been Awhile

Wow! The last time I posted was Bridgette's 3rd birthday!

We have done a thing or two since then, but I don't think I'll bore you with too many details... Well, maybe I'll bore you with some details, but you don't have to read them if you don't want to.

Let me just breeze through last fall.

September: I had a birthday. I'm gettin' old, I can feel it in my bones, except in my mind I'm still 25. Dan's work slowed just a bit.

October: It cooled down to the 80's- yeah! At the end of the month we flew to Utah for Dan's work retreat/ a visit to the family. It was Jack's first time flying. He did great, Bridgette had a hard time though. She & Dan sat together & when the Flight Attendant told Dan she HAD to be buckled in so we could land I chuckled to myself... Dan's response was, "But she doesn't want to."  Of course that didn't fly, so he had to hold her down and buckle her in while she threw the biggest fit of 2012. It was great to see Dan try & manage that  : )

The trip was so great! It had been too long since we'd seen our family. They got to meet Jack and Bridgette got to play with cousins. She had so much fun!

November: We flew home the beginning of November.
For Thanksgiving we just went out to dinner. It sounds very un-festive, and it is, but when it's just the four of us, it's nice.

December: We finally got a bigger car-yeah! It's a Honda Pilot, it's so nice to have the extra space!
We celebrated our 6th anniversary. Wow- lucky Dan!
The new (to us) car came in handy when we drove to Colorado for Christmas. We spent the first half of our trip in Frisco, Co in a cozy condo near the ski resort.

The last half was spent @ the Williamson's home. It was so nice to spend time with them & Dan's two younger brothers, Stew & David. Bridgette still talks about them & riding around on Papa Joe's bike. Papa broke his leg in November & used a special scooter to more easily maneuver.  Bridge thought it was super cool when Uncles would push her around the house on it.

Below are a ton of photos of the last 5 months!

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