My Uncle Jim & Aunt Sue ( my mom's brother) have thrown a Christmas Party every year since I've been in Utah (I think there's always been a Christmas Party, but I didn't live here...)
This was Dan & Bridgette's first time partying with the Johnsons... Here are some photos of the crazy night:
I'm so glad I got to attend the party this year. It's always so great to see my grandparents! They always sent the sweetest Christmas presents to my family when we were little. I always looked forward to see what grandma would send & how it was wrapped (she had the ZCMI people wrap them I think.) I love my grandparents!
It was also fun to see my cousins and all their cute little babies. I can't believe how fast time flies & how quickly all these little ones grow!
I am so thankful for this time of year where we can take a step back & realize that this is what it's all about. I may not get a visit from Santa, but I am sure going to throw/ attend as many family & friend get-togethers as possible! I love being around my family & don't realize how much I miss seeing them until a week/month/year goes by & I see them and get sad that I don't see them more often!
It was great to have you there!
Great pic with Bridgette and Grandma!
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