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Bridgette likes to help the swing push Jack. She likes to go fast & high on the swing, so she assumes Jack does also. |
We look forward to our Lunches with Dan b/c we rarely see him right now! Bridgette is the funniest ice cream cone eater. She licks backwards, silly girl. |
Its soooo hot outside, so we have to find alternative areas to play. This is in the mall play area. |
Another way to cool off, the Rosemeade Rec center is a really cool pool. It's really hard to go & have fun with a newborn though. |
Any place in the house is fair game to be made into a bed for Bridgette's babies. |
Jack doing "Tummy Time" |
Making a rainy day blanket out of chalk. |
Once again, any place is fair game for baby beds. She made one in the pumpkin, she fills Jack's swing & car seat with her babies too. This makes it slightly annoying when I'm in a hurry to put jack down/ get him in his carseat. |
Potty training (again). My sister-in-law, Kaylene, sent these, yay! |
Jack is a big smiler. At this age Bridgette was pretty serious, but this kid likes to smile, He actually started cracking up in his sleep the other day, so cute! |
Me & my chubby buddy. Look at those forearmpits
So this is what we've been up to:
The temperatures here hover around 105, so we're inside a lot. Bridgette loves being outside & playing at the park, so she's getting a little stir crazy being inside all the time! We're excited for her to start preschool again. She's so shy in public, but loves being around other kids and singing songs.
Dan's still working like a mad man. We see him Saturday evenings & Sundays. It's a rare treat for Bridgette to go visit him @ his office. I think she likes to sit in the Boss's chair, she's going to be a CEO one day, I can just feel it !
I still feel a little overwhelmed having two kids. My sisters/ sisters-in-law make mothering look so easy... I hate you. Not really, but man, you're good at it which is why it looks so easy.
Jack is starting to sleep better. He has reflux & dairy sensitivities, like Bridgette, so he was a lot happier once we got all that under control. He wakes up a couple of times throughout the night, which may be why I'm even more spacey than normal. He loves to cuddle with me and he is fascinated with Bridgette (definitely not the other way around quite yet.) He's fat, if you can't tell. He's about 15 lbs!!!
The other night I was making some chocolate treats (rough day) and I put Jack in his swing. I kept hearing little grunts, but chocolate had priority. Then I heard a loud thump & he started screaming. Poor boy had worked himself out of the swing & fell on the ground. I'm obviously such a good mom. I felt sooo bad, he only fell about a foot at the most, and he landed feet first, but I prioritized chocolate over baby. Dang it, I need to get my priorities straight!
I have, once again, been trying to potty train Bridgette. I started when she was about 22 months, but she wouldn't go near the potty, then we moved, then we moved again. I tired soon after we got to TX, but she would throw the biggest fit any time I tried to put her on the potty. I was doing the whole no pants training thing, and got tired of feeling like I had a new puppy. I put painters' plastic all over the carpet to make it a bit easier, but that didn't help her get the whole "when you're wet, sit on the toilet" thing. This last round of training was probably the most frustrating. She's had some naaaasty accidents and even though I've offered a zillion incentives, she doesn't care. One day she finally went in her mini potty & I got so excited and was making a big deal of her going pee pee in her toilet and she said, "No Mom, that's not pee pee, it's water." Hmmm, maybe that's why the whole potty training thing wasn't working, I needed to start the training with some sort of object lesson.
Other than potty training Bridgette has been obsessed with her babies. She pulls all the folded blankets from the shelves and makes sure all her animals have beds. She makes "beds" for them everywhere; the laundry hamper (obvious choice), plastic Halloween pumpkin, Dan's shoes, and pictured above-- the lid to her potty (which was empty.)
Interestingly enough, she still could care less about our real baby, Jack. She'll push him in the swing, and make sure his feet are covered, at all times, by a blanket. She still gets quite jealous. Maybe by the time she's a teenager she'll outgrow it.
She also has grown into quite the fit thrower. She screams at the top of her lungs when we put her in her room for quiet time. She also usually refuses to willingly sit in her car seat (but when she does she reminds me to buckle her in, thank goodness.) While shopping she enjoys playing hide-and-seek & throws a major fit when it's time to leave the store (usually we're leaving b/c I'm having a panic attack b/c both my kids are screaming.)
Long story short, I'm not gracefully coming into being a mother of two. They are sweet babies though, and I love them to pieces, I just need to get with the program... and hire a nanny or something.