Thursday, March 8, 2012

Life Right Now

Bridgette's Preschool Class. She's so shy but this is helping her come out of her shell. It's twice a week for Mommies (and grandmas, mainly) and toddlers.

Family Bowling, Daddy is a patient teacher. We had a family weekend where we tried to have a "Staycation," where we get a hotel w/ a pool and just pretend we're somewhere cool. Bridgette decided she wasn't having it though! She cried when we got there saying she "Wants Bridgette's Bed!" She then proceeded to go into the hotel room closet and throw the ironing board and luggage rack around, kicking the closet door and screaming. I should have been stern with  her, but it was so freakin' funny! It seriously reminds me of something Dan might do if he were extremely upset (not that he's ever done that.)

I told Dan I needed some chocolate, I was thinking A cookie or A chocolate bar. He came home, declared it "pregnant day" and gave this to me. Apparently he wants me to look pregnant for 9 months after baby is born.

Bridgette's favorite past time- art, anything artsy. I put these paints in front of her and she painted for an hour solid.

This is Blue (Blue's Clues) but the color she painted the picture she could be called mud, hence the B&W.

And that's about it!

We have just been hanging out, enjoying the 70 degree weather and trying to prepare a little bit for our May Baby. He's measuring a bit big and he's fairly active and I feel like I've been pregnant for 2 years. Bridgette asks where baby brother is all the time, and she kisses my belly, but I'm still not sure she gets it. I'm not quite sure what we're going to do with her when I actually go to the hospital to give birth. Dan's fine with bringing her along. Me? Not so much, I don't want to scar her for life.

Well, that's about it!


Gma said...

Love the pictures. It is so fun to see your little family grow.

Aunt Monica

Sarah said...

That's funny about the fit! That totally reminds me of Alanna!

Joan said...

she's so grown up!!! sigh.
What a nice hubby.... ps. did you know Wed was Oreo's 100th bday? 100 years of prepping someone for a heart attack! YAY!!! haha. I love me some double stuff oreos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joan said...

hey.. now that you have ALL this free time.. shouldn't you be showing off that baby of yours. and can I just say that ... I want to reach through this computer and squeeze that little girl!