Thursday, August 29, 2013

Summer 2013

Summer is Dan's busy time of year, he often works until 9 or later at the beginning. This summer was different for me because I had 2 little ones to keep occupied by myself. It doesn't sound too daunting, but they get tired of mommy real quick!

We did have some big accomplishments this summer. Bridgette is FINALLY fully potty trained--day & night!  I thought she would go to college in diapers, but a few months ago her little friend (who is younger than Bridgette) came over & I praised her for going potty. Bridgette saw this & I could see the WTF look on her face. That day she changed her tune about the potty & never looked back- phew!

Also, Jack FINALLY decided to sleep in his crib through the night. His whole life it was 1. Sleep through the night in my bed, keeping me awake half the night or 2. Sleep in his crib but wake up every 2 hours also keeping me awake half the night.  I feel like a normal person now.

Jack also started walking... this was awhile ago, so I feel like it's old news. I may have even posted it already. I was at a Relief Society function and Dan was watching him & he just stood up and took about 10 steps. It was about a week after his birthday, but he had been trying for a long time! He's a determined little guy for sure!

Here in Dallas it hovers around 100 degrees, day & night, most of the summer, so we spend a lot of time indoors or in water. I'm so excited for the temperatur to cool off!

Here are some things we did to occupy our time...
Peacock @ the petting zoo, although there were only about 2 animals they actually let us pet!

Jack's not afraid of a pregnant goat!

He would've brought the bunny home with us if they'd let him

This was Jack's expression almost the whole trip-- he LOVES all animals. 

All animals except donkeys... He probably doesn't appreciate the nickname they have.

Double goat.

Little Elm Lake beach trip. Bridgette liked the sand & Jack liked the water.   The beach is definitely a two parent activity @ this age.

First trip to the dentist. She did really good, but couldn't get out of that chair fast enough when it was over!

Loving our yard. She also refuses to ride her trike without a helmet. Safety first, silly girl!

Nothing makes the outdoors better than finding a good stick!

Bubble time by the (wading) pool

Soccer Tots, we'll probably hold off on soccer for a couple more years.

Favorite time of day, after dinner snuggle time in Daddy's fluffy chair.

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