It seriously seems like yesterday I found out I was going to have a baby, and when I learned it was a baby girl I was over the moon!
Over the past four years I have loved making bows & headbands, buying cute dresses, practicing hairdos & playing kitchen.
I have learned what it means to unconditionally love someone. I never thought I'd be so excited about a person walking, talking and pooping in the toilet! Motherhood is not easy, it can be hard and sometimes tedious-- but it's so rewarding. This baby girl has been so patient with me trying to learn how to be a mom. I know that I have been blessed with her as my first child because she is so loving and forgiving through all of my parenting fails.
Bridgette is a very kind-hearted little lady. She loves making new friends, but always keeps her oldest one (good ole DeeDee) close by.
She loves all creatures, she was furious with me when I poured salt on a slug, killing it. She said, "he was just trying to go home to his family!"
She loves looking after her daddy, making sure he's very comfortable and is never wanting for food (even if it is felt & plastic.) She took while to warm up to Jack, and now is the best big sister! She loves to wash his hair, put dress up clothes on him & has taught him that no white door should go uncolored. Speaking of coloring, she is so artistic & could paint on her new easel for hours if Jack didn't interrupt her. She also loves singing & making up songs. She looks forward to playing in the bounce house @ the gym & is so excited to go to preschool & take gymnastics this fall.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
Snuggling 2 week old Bridgette |
Tearing into a cupcake on her 1st birthday |
Aquarium Trip in Denver on her 2nd Birthday |
Trip to Fossil Rim in Texas on her 3rd Birthday |
My sweet 4 year old!
For her birthday Dan wanted to surprise her with a bounce house @ her party. This is because the first weekend we were in our house the house adjacent to ours was having a party & there was a bounce house in their yard. She just sat on the patio & cried saying "why can't I go play in the bounce house with those kids?" Of course this broke Dan's heart, so he was determined to have one at her party.
I decided to go with a carnival theme to go along with the bounce house. We played little classic games like "Duck Hunt," "Ring Toss" & "Fishing". I was excited to have a little dress up/ photo booth station to take silly pictures, because Bridgette loves to do this, but her little friends didn't seem too keen on this idea : (
Bridgette had so much fun playing with her friends & of course going wild in the bounce house! We were so excited they could all come celebrate her turning 4!
(I have to be honest, it's been 3 years since I've thrown a party, so I had a lot of fun making decorations. Our house looked like a glitter bomb exploded--yay!)
My photo booth fail. They're so cute though! |
Entrance sign! |
Party table, Dan totally inspired my "strongman" silhouette. |
Bounce house fun |
DeeDee & Daddy time |
Carnival Games |
Opening Gifts |
Birthday Dinner @ Cheesecake Factory |
After dinner when we walked out to the car she said, "Dad we need to take a picture of our reflection" |
She followed the treasure map to find her birthday present, an easel w/ paints, paper roll, chalk & dry erase board. She loves it! |
She's writing her looong name too. |
Looks like a blast!
What a fun mama you are! That party looks soo cute and creative. You and Dan obviously are really enjoying your cutie pie kids.
I love that picture of Dan and Bridgette's reflection - great little moment in time captured!
Such a cute birthday party idea, I wanna do this someday for one of my kids!
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