I remember growing up we always made our Halloween costumes. I know we weren't the only ones because today @ Bridgette's preschool party the parents were all talking about how they never bought costumes.
Maybe that's why I got so excited to make Bridgette & Jack costumes this year. I never thought I'd be able to pull it off-- Bridgette doesn't like having her hair done lately & I thought for sure she wouldn't let me near her hair! One day while Jack was asleep, I pulled up some movie stills from "The Bride of Frankenstein" and showed them to her. She said," That is an awesome ghost!" And that's how I convinced her.
Last week while getting ready for our church Halloween party Bridgette was so excited to look like the "ghost" I showed her, she didn't complain at all while I did her hair! When we got to the party her hair was quite the hit- people where laughing at how cute she was ( brag, brag, brag- so I think she's cute, so sue me.) When we got in the car she started crying & said, "they were all laughing at me and that hurt my feelings." How sad! We told her that they were laughing because her costume made them so happy. She wasn't buying it.
We had a couple of other Halloween/ dress up activities to go to & Bridgette just wore outfits from the dress up box, which she loved, but I really wanted just one more B.O.F. appearance!
On the day of Halloween I thought for sure she'd want to wear a princess dress, but while eating lunch she was watching a favorite cartoon (Pinky Dinky Doo) and Pinky was dressed up as none other than The Bride of Frankenstein! So Bridgette was back on the bandwagon--Thank you Pinky!
Trick or Treating was fun this year because I had a child that "gets it." Jack did get into it too. Instead of the usual "Trick or Treat" when the door was answered he said "BOO." He was such a sweet little trooper despite having a really bad cold.
Side note, Jack was Frankenstein because:
1. His head is a good "Frankenstein" shape
2. His vocabulary is around the same level as Frankie's
3. It went with Bridgette's costume
It's been a fun Halloween season, the main thing I miss is being near family/ close friends. This is the first year of married life where we haven't been near family/ longtime friends, we've always had some post-trick or treating activity to attend. It was weird just going home & raiding our kids buckets alone, with no one to barter snickers for twizzlers with. Well, it was a good one anyway! Now off to eat more chocolate!
The fall festivities begin-hayride @ the pumpkin patch with church playgroup! |
Merry-go-round, a childhood staple for me, but this is the 1st time I've seen one since having kids |
"Mom, I've totally got this" |
He looks really uncomfortable |
Our second time marching in the Butterfly Flutterby parade. |
One of the bagpipers that lead the parade. |
Playing in the vintage firetruck. |
Ready for Trunk or Treat! Minus the shoes, the shoes were put on very last minute. |
mmm. doughnut |
Costume parading with one of her favorite Activity Day Girls |
Trick or Treat in town square, the day after everyone laughed at her : ( |
Ready for the preschool party! |
Jack dressed up as Bridgette for this party. If she can have 15 different costumes, why can't he?! |
Rakin' in the candy |
He tried his hardest to eat every piece of candy as it was placed in his bucket. |
Happy Halloween! |
ahhh... I love it so much! You are such a great writer Nellie --- Hilarious! So glad you posted this - last year it was so fun to see you, but I still got to see you through this! Thanks! (ps.... I removed my last comment because Dave was signed in through his blog... "strangething". I AM NOT STRANGE. ;)
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