1. Those monsterously huge shopping buggies with a car attached for little kids to sit in. They smell funny and take up an entire aisle at the grocery store.
2. When you're at the grocery store and people have mini reunions- blocking to the entrance of the aisle with their kiddie car huge buggies, not even budging when you give them the stink eye.
3. Green. My favorite decorating magazine arrived in the mail and it was the "Green" issue. As much as I want my carbon footprint to be as small as my real footprint, organic and "green" items are waaay to expensive for my budget! $50 for an organic t-shirt that I'll probably ruin the first time i wash it!! I don't think so.
4. Hillary Clinton. Do we really want these 2 in the white house again? Really?

Hey, sometimes those huge kiddie carts are a life saver! My kids HAVE to have them, or the little shopping cart at Smith's. They are an annoyance to parents too (try pushing two kids and a loaded cart with two weeks worth of groceries at Walmart), but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. I agree that it's annoying to have reunions in the aisles regardless of what kind of cart you have though!
Nell, hate those carts too. Pudge always wants to ride in them, I never let him. Which means he will be one of those crazy dad's that lets their kids ride in them.
ok, when I first saw that picture I was like, "whose the old people? Is that some ugly relative of Dan's because our family doesn't produce people like that!" Hee hee, you know we love you Dan!!!
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