It's true. I'm addicted......
to sugar.
If you know me at all it's pretty obvious that I enjoy sugar
a lot. It's really annoying because I will be a committed exerciser, eating salads & low fat proteins, but when the clock strikes 7ish it happens. I scour the cupboards for anything sweet. If I can't find something pre-made, I eat a piece of toast with pb & honey.... or I make no bake cookies (if you don't know what these are, just think of yummy, sugary chocolate.) It gets worse, but I'm not going to go into detail.
I've been researching ways to kick my addiction and here's what I've learned;
1. I need to clean house of all sugar; not just treats but actual bags of sugar, jellies, honey, sugary cereal & fruit juices. Also avoid sugar substitutes b/c these will just encourage sugar cravings.
2. I need to treat it like a crack addiction, because it is basically the same type of addiction, just legal.
3. Buy 3 days worth of meals & stay in for those 3 days- avoid ALL temptation... this will be my detox clinic.
4. After my detox, don't eat anything sweet before 3 pm- having sugar early in the day will only cause a craving for sweets throughout the day.This is just a snapshot of what I've learned on my quest to kick the habit.
I've had "sugar free weeks" but I need to go this whole month, I think. Dan tries to keep me in check, but I feel since I've blogged about this I'm accountable to everyone who reads this.
Now that I've admitted my problem I'm going to dive into these solutions head first. Hopefully I'll have some positive updates in the future. I think I'm going to start my 3 day hibernation Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes!