I'm also waiting for baby girl to fall asleep. I had caffeine last night and she woke up at 4am and kept me awake with a swoosh swoosh swoosh noise, which is her little arms and legs kicking like mad. Ahhh, yes, she just fell asleep! Anyways, if you readers have ANY advice on how to get a baby to sleep in the crib I would greatly appreciate it. I'm just so fantastic that she can't sleep without me right by her side : (
Oh crap, she woke up.
I'll finish my post & hopefully she'll fall back asleep.
The no sugar thing is super hard. I'm allowing myself one cheat day per week. Last Saturday I had brownies. They were super yummy...mmmmm....
I'm also posting a few pics of Bridgy I took. She's such a doll, especially when she goes to sleep easily.

It's a GOOD thing that you're posting this much! We WANT to hear and see everything that Bridgette is doing! And I hate to say it, but you might just have to let her cry it out....? She's 5 months old now - she can do it.
Bonnie is right! We do like hearing about your cute little girl, especially those of us that do not live so close! Will she sleep in her crib at night? Just keep putting her in it. She may wake up a few times before she gets used to it. You just have to keep putting her in her crib, then she'll figure out that Mommy is in charge and not Bridgette. All I can say is good luck :)
This is your cousin Kellee My baby would only sleep with me. I took 2 or 3 nights and just had to stuggle with her crying alot. I didn't pick her up unless she was hysterical. After a few nights she was sleeping in her crib. I did this about 3 or 4 months old. Now she is 17 months old and loves her crib. It was a hard couple of nights but is so worth it now.
Love your family picture and the ones of the baby, too.
Nell these pics of little Didgette are SO beautiful!! I'm so glad you posted them! As always it was good to see you yesterday, and to chat!! Love you!
Very cute pictures!
Aunt Monica
I recommend "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbluth, M.D. The basic principles of what he teaches worked wonders when I couldn't figure out to do with my first.
Bridgette is such a beautiful baby! She is looking more like you now, Janell. You're such a good Mom!
Thanks for sharing! I love the ones you sent me for my birthday.
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